ThinkPenguin Wireless Router: Excellent CCS
Howdy all, Tonight I shared the news that ThinkPenguin have put together <URL:> a wireless router with all free software (the operating system is LibreCMC <URL:>). I also referred to the news that ThinkPenguin's work has earned them a chapter in the GPL Tutorial and Guide at Too often, case studies examine failure and mistakes. Indeed, most of the chapters that follow herein will consider the myriad difficulties discovered in community-oriented GPL enforcement for the last two decades. However, to begin, this is a case study in how copyleft compliance can indeed be done correctly. This example is, in fact, more than ten years in the making. Since almost the inception of for-profit corporate adoption of Free Software, companies have requested a clear example of a model citizen to emulate. Sadly, while community-oriented enforcers have vetted uncounted thousands of “Complete, Corresponding Source” (CCS) candidates from hundreds of companies, this particular CCS release described herein is the first ever declared a “pristine example”. <URL:> This is a good example to trumpet for increasing software freedom in a field (currently-available consumer electronics) where such examples are few and far between. -- \ “Skepticism is the highest duty and blind faith the one | `\ unpardonable sin.” —Thomas Henry Huxley, _Essays on | _o__) Controversial Questions_, 1889 | Ben Finney
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Ben Finney