On Wed, 8 Mar 2017 01:12:16 PM Adrian Colomitchi wrote:
Also remember that Assange seems to be a Russian agent.
Oh, really?
Yes, anyone who claims that Russia has an open government is on the Russian side. For all the flaws of the US government it doesn't openly kill journalists that report bad things.
So you say: * it doesn't matter we know how you can be spied on or that you can be "serendipitous" killed by a truck or that your "secure" apps that should guarantee your privacy are got around. And it still doesn't matter an organization that should look after the american public interest chooses to hoard zero-days instead of disclosing/plugging them (thus letting the public vulnerable against others). * but it does matter Assange is human (thus imperfect).
Quite a twisted logic IMHO, I hope you don't mind if I'm not accepting it.
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