Hi everyone, Someone got in touch to let me know about a crowdfunding campaign by Digital Rights Watch about automated surveillance using facial recognition technologies. It also mentions a global declaration to protect, promote and monitor residents’ and visitors’ digital rights. I've included the core of the message below for your consideration. ~~ Ben --- I'm deeply concerned about the spread of mass surveillance by facial recognition technology (facial recognition surveillance) in Australia and around the world. I hope to raise awareness and encourage action to put a stop on such mass surveillance. Most notably perhaps, facial recognition surveillance is being routinely and overtly used in China for societal control, but we need no longer look abroad to find its use. In Australia it is already being rolled out in several cities including Brisbane, Darwin, Melbourne and Perth; at schools, sports stadiums and other public places. Concerns about facial recognition surveillance include: - It automatically and arbitrarily identifies and tracks innocent people. - It enables conformity, societal control and relentless crackdowns. - It is a serious threat to our dignity, privacy, freedoms and democracy. - It is often being used without our knowledge, or its use is kept secret. - It is being rolled out undemocratically and used without our consent. - It has great potential to be ubiquitous or practically unavoidable. - It exposes people's sensitive data to risks of being hacked or stolen. - It is inaccurate, particularly for women, children and people of colour. - It has no oversight and lacks a legal framework. - It may be abused for nefarious purposes other than its stated purposes. We can still stop this! Some US cities starting with San Francisco have already banned facial recognition, and the European Union is considering a moratorium of up to 5 years. However, it's up to us to build a movement in Australia to stop facial recognition surveillance. Digital Rights Watch is calling for donations to fund a campaign to build a movement in Australia. Any money that you can put towards this campaign would be highly appreciated. If you wish to donate, relevant links are right below: Digital Rights Watch campaign information: https://digitalrightswatch.org.au/stop-the-surveillance/ fundraising: https://chuffed.org/project/stop-facial-recognition Also, I encourage everyone to please take whatever action you can: - Tell people around you about this issue and your concerns. - Demand your parliamentarians, councillors and ministers to ban it. - Social media: #BanFacialRecognition #FacialRecognition #Surveillance - Anything else you can come up with: gatherings, petitions, writings, ... More about this issue: (US) https://www.banfacialrecognition.com/ ---