20 Mar
20 Mar
10:09 p.m.
Russell Coker <russell@coker.com.au> writes:
Basically I'm after something like an iPad2 that can run free software.
You will have to compromise significantly on that, I fear. One or more of: * It won't be running free software (e.g. you'll run CyanogenMod). * It won't be like the iPad (e.g. you'll get one of the few tablet devices that do support free software). * It won't be any time soon (you'll wait for one of the free-software OSen to support an iPad-like tablet). -- \ “[The RIAA] have the patience to keep stomping. They're playing | `\ whack-a-mole with an infinite supply of tokens.” —kennon, | _o__) http://kuro5hin.org/ | Ben Finney