Hi everyone, The time of our next monthly meet-up is approaching. Take a look at what we've got lined up: * Ben McGinnes of Pirate Party Australia Ben will be discussing the Pirate Party's take on copyright, patents and privacy. This had to be postponed by a month due to a last minute emergency, but it will be on this Thursday to be sure! * Intro to GnuPG, followed by keysigning The revelations of the PRISM program have made everyone rethink what they are exposing online, and GnuPG is perhaps one of the best tools to help protect yourself. We will walk you though the basics of how it works, and how to get started. Additionally, we will be holding Free Software Melbourne's first ever official keysigning event, helping you put that GPG knowledge to immediate use! If this interests you, don't forget to bring along sufficient proof of ID. Ideally 2 forms of government issued photo ID should be used. If you are already a GnuPG user and are interested in participating in the keysigning, it would be helpful if you could print out up to 20 small strips of paper with the output of the following command on each: gpg --fingerprint KeyID Also note on the strip if you want your signed key returned to you or published directly to a public keyserver. More details on all of this is here: http://keysigning.org/methods/adhoc * Followed by dinner at a nearby restaurant We haven't decided on a place for dinner yet, but we're always open to suggestions. Don't forget to mark the event on your calendar - Date: Thursday 15 August Time: 6-9pm Location: VPAC Head Office Training Room Level 1, Building 91, 110 Victoria Street A map is on the website: http://www.freesoftware.asn.au/melb/ Hope to see you there! Cheers, Adam