Hey Scott, It was great to meet you yesterday and I am having similar feelings about wanting to actively work on something worthwhile like this. You certainly know how to dig up the right info quickly and I like your suggestions/approach regarding the schools. I wouldn't have even known who to call! I got onto #openhatch today and managed to chat to a few of the good peeps there, someone mentioned this: http://www.one-education.org have you folks seen this? Seems interesting - they provide android compatible hardware and a turn-key technology education solution for Aussie schools. Not sure how easily it can be extended or if it's even free software, but I was unaware of anyone even attempting something like that before. On another note, I delved into the openhatch.org website and found some useful info on creating an affiliated event: https://openhatch.org/wiki/Events/Affiliated Theres also lots of instructions on how to conduct an openhatch event here: https://openhatch.org/wiki/Open_Source_Comes_to_Campus Damien On 20/02/15 13:12, Scott Junner wrote:
Hey guys.
I'd like to express my enthusiasm for getting a hold of the Gnews notes. I just joined this list assuming this is where they will be posted. But in case not, where will they be?
Also, I took the liberty of calling the department of education in Victoria to get a feel for what it would take to get Free Software in schools. They directed me to http://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/principals/spag/infrastructure/Pages/...
On the left hand side of that page you can see links to other related areas. But they did make it clear to me that these sorts of things are handled by the actual school. That is to say what the school buys for their students and staff is up to the school, no the department. The department provides guidance but not final say (though you can see the bias fairly clearly).
So it could be worth talking to a few principals to understand how they think. From there a trial presentation/demonstration can be put together, get a room full of them and just get some feedback so that a solid project could begin with some focussed direction.
And lastly on the topic of workshops for getting started contributing to free software projects. Yes please. Give me one job to do to that will get that ball rolling. Coz I wants it. There are things I would like to contribute to but don't know where to begin (or more truthfully feel like I have nothing to offer).
Cheers. Scott. _______________________________________________ Free-software-melb mailing list Free-software-melb@lists.softwarefreedom.com.au http://lists.softwarefreedom.com.au/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/free-software-m...
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