Hi Russell,

Thanks for these links.  They make for sobering reading.

There are at least two discussions in this thread:
  1. What ratio of men and women should we consider both desirable and realistic?
  2. Is the current extremely small number of women in Free Software due to the behaviour of men in Free Software to its current and past women members?
Might I suggest that we split this discussion into separate threads?

-- Alex Garber

On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 22:58, Russell Coker <russell+lists@coker.com.au> wrote:
On Sun, 15 Jan 2012, Matt Giuca <matt.giuca@gmail.com> wrote:
> Wait. You're operating under an unstated assumption that the only factor
> influencing the percentage of women in a particular community is how well
> the males in the community behaves towards women. That's a GIANT unproven
> assumption. This is a complex problem and there are undoubtedly many
> factors.


Could ALL the men on this list please read the above blog post, particularly
paragraph 11 onwards.  If you start reading the post and think for a moment
that it doesn't mean you then IT REALLY MEANS YOU.

There are some men who have been saying sensible things which indicate that
they have actually considered the issues.  They should read that post too.
It's something that we should all read periodically to keep things in the
correct perspective.


The above URL has already been cited.  I think that if this discussion
continues in the current form then it will justify another entry there.

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