Hi, guys

I have finally graduated from RMIT and want to do something.
Please link with me on LinkedIn if you would like to. http://www.linkedin.com/pub/yiping-guo/45/813/8b4?trk=fbr
I wish to do some free programming on Linux on the weekends when I am not working.
Also, I am looking for a full-time job at the moment. So please do not be hesitate to contact me when there is any opportunity available.

Thanks, guys.

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Patrick Sunter <patdevelop@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

this is a long talk, and slightly O/T, but quite interesting I think
if you have a bit of reading/listening time this weekend now the
cricket's finished ;)

Doctorow makes some telling points about problems with trying to 'lock
down' general purpose (often Linux-based) computing machines, and thus
germane to the FOSS software world from a broader perspective.


-- Pat.

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