Have also left a message for someone to get back to me regarding the Footscray Maker Lab. While I'm thinking about all this, do we want to put some sort of ceiling on attendee numbers to help us find an appropriate venue? Scott On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 4:08 PM, Scott Junner <scott.junner@gmail.com> wrote:
Regarding a venue: Somewhere with plenty of tables, power, good light and internet access. A university or school would be ideal and would help us bring in students. I'm also hopefully meeting up with the Electron Workshop folks next week, so that might be a possibility too. I'll see if I can get any interest from Melbourne Uni too. If you have any contacts, let us know.
I've put out one feeler but am waiting for a response. Nice room in the city with WiFi and a bunch of tables to sit round. Lends itself to people congregating in small groups to work on different projects.
Failing that, what about the room in Building 91 at RMIT? Is that not appropriate? I suppose it needs someone from the university to be present. Is that a limiting factor?
I'm all for a weekend in may. And it appears to be mid Semester. So how about May 16 or May 23? Both are Saturdays.