> From: andrew thornton <andrewtech@iinet.net.au>
> To: free-software-melb@lists.softwarefreedom.com.au
> Subject: [free-software-melb] looking for calendar application
> Message-ID: <4E8E59E8.2080705@iinet.net.au>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"
> Hello
> Is there a free and/or opensource calendar
> application? Can't find one on sourceforge. Tried mozilla sunbird. But I
> want to do this:
> I have dropbox on two computers connected
> by short range wireless/ethernet internet. Person on computer a wants to
> make a calendar file, save it, drop into dropbox, then i see it on
> computer b, and i make the file public and email a link to business
> colleagues with the schedule calendar file.
> I can't get this to occur with mozilla
> sunbird. Please don't suggest thunderbird/lightning. I use that. But he
> can't email. He needs an idiot level calendar application for windows.
> Sunbird saves as weird.ics files that I can't open. If I can't open them
> how will anyone else use them?
> Does such a calendar application exist?
> Thank you
> Andrew

I've not used it myself, but Evolution includes a calendar that might be able to do what you want.

.ics is a standard format, I don't know why you're having trouble with it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICalendar.
