On 26 April 2012 11:53, Ben Finney <ben+freesoftware@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
But, CyanogenMod isn't free software, remember; it has a higher proportion of free software, but is still very much a non-free operating system and AFAIK has all the non-free drivers as Android.
AFAIK, Android itself is 100% open source software, entire source can be downloaded from git, modified, etc. I compiled it myself. Only catch is you need non-free software to compile, it seems to require Oracle's JDK 1.6, doesn't seem to work with OpenJDK (or JDK 1.7 for that matter) - not that I tried very hard here to get it to work. It is the add-ons to Android that are not open source. Very likely CyanogenMod has a number of these extra pieces, like non-free drivers. Big question is, will Replicant run on this tablet? http://replicant.us/about/ -- Brian May <brian@microcomaustralia.com.au>