Hi everyone \o/ Our next FSM Working Group evening is coming up this Thursday the 6th of October, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at TeamSquare (level 1/520 Bourke st, Melbourne) This month we have the perfect opportunity to contribute to the Open Government Partnership as the following day they will be holding a workshop and considering public submissions to OGP@pmc.gov.au If you're interested in getting involved take a look at the website https://ogpau.govspace.gov.au/ and of particular interest for us is the last meetings minutes and the list of previous submissions The minutes suggest the OGP has a strong interest in the Open Contracting Data Standard and in building and maintain public trust to address concerns about data sharing... both of these topics have a strong connection with FOSS and I figured we could put together a submission in support of one (or both) of these initiatives... some of the previous submission also refer to FOSS and we could write in support of those also https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4271393497