Hi Ben,


On Sep 21, 2011 11:50 AM, "Ben Sturmfels" <ben@stumbles.id.au> wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> I've typed up the notes from the code sharing workshop at Software
> Freedom Day:
> http://wiki.freesoftware.asn.au/contributingAtWork
> (I don't have Minh or Glenn's contact details though.)
> Cheers,
> Ben
> On 09/17/2011 06:48 PM, Alex Fraser wrote:
>> Hi Lev et al,
>> Thanks for a great Software Freedom Day!
>> The discussion in the Code Sharing workshop revolved around how to
>> share code in a corporate setting. Occasionally the discussion drifted
>> to encouraging the general adoption of FOSS, but we always came back
>> to the topic of development. We identified a need for a set of
>> arguments in favour of code contributions that could be presented to
>> an employer or client, and then discussed what those arguments should
>> be. We also identified a need for a generic FOSS contribution clause
>> that can be included in client agreements.
>> == Action Items ==
>> 1. Rodney B: Search for an existing guide (page listing similar
>> arguments), by the 1st of October.
>> 2. Ben S, Glenn M: Use our notes to contribute to the guide found in
>> 1. or start a new page at wiki.freesoftware.asn.au, by the 1st of
>> November.
>> 3. Alex F, Minh N: Look in to crowd funding options (e.g.
>> Kickstarter) to pay for legal work (which may be carried out by
>> Brendan Scott), by the 1st of November.
>> That's as far as we got, but presumably more actions will stem from those.
>> Thanks again,
>> Alex
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