Hi all, This month at Free Software Australia we are getting geared up for Software Freedom Day and organizing this year's event in September. We will start off the meeting with a retrospective of SFD events held in Australia in the past. We will then have a group discussion about the event and theme for this year, we will create a draft timeline for the day and organise committee meetings in the lead up to the event. We will also draft up some templates for reaching out to speakers and send out a call for speakers. This eventwill be primarily aimed at the organisers of Free Software Australia and community members interested in getting involved but all are welcome to come along and learn about how we run the event. Details: Thursday, 21st of July 2022, 7:00pm-8:30pm AEDT Join us at: https://venue.electronworkshop.com.au/r/freesoftwareaus Join the FSA mailing list to be notified of events: https://lists.softwarefreedom.com.au/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/free-software-... Meeting Tips: Be sure to test your audio on the way in. Your mic will be muted when you join the room. Headsets are recommended to reduce any feedback. Code of Conduct: https://freesoftware.org.au/code-of-conduct