FSM Feb 20th - Favourite Free Android Games Night and DEFANG Preparations

Hey freedom lovers, Almost all of us are guilty of playing games on our phones at some time (even if it was just snake), so this month at Free Software Melbourne we're going to be talking about the state of mobile gaming in free software. Over the past few years there have been some amazing advances in the quality of free software games available and there is even a new open source app store where you can get your games which we'll take a look at. We will also have a talk about preparations for a DEFANG campaign. What is DEFANG you ask? It is the act of extracting oneself from the massive influence and surveillance of large corporate entities like Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google.What can we do about it as a group? What alternatives can we suggest for people? With who and should we be talking? and How can we best frame the message? So come along to discuss DEFANGing and mobile games. After the meeting we will continue our discussions over dinner in North Melbourne a short walk away and all are welcome to join us. Thanks to Electron Workshop for hosting FreeSoftware Melbourne. Details Thursday 20th Febuary, 6:30-8:00pm Electron Workshop: 31 Arden St, North Melbourne, Victoria, 3051 Map: http://osm.org/go/uG4HWyqEz?m=&node=2556615434 Travel Tips: http://www.electronworkshop.com.au/map/
participants (1)