Ben Sturmfels on Preventing Cat-astrophes with GNU MediaGoblin, Thu 21 Jan, 6:30pm NEW VENUE

Happy GNU year! We thought we'd break with tradition this year and hold a meet-up in January. Despite being holiday time for many, there's a lot going on in the world of free software, so we have plenty of interesting things to talk about. This month I'll be presenting "Preventing Cat-astrophes with GNU MediaGoblin"; a talk about how MediaGoblin can give us some of the features of centralised media silos like YouTube, while avoiding the risk of the worlds' culture living or dying with one company. Ben Minerds will be presenting the Gnews. The other big news is that following the closure of the VPAC office in Victoria Street, we're moving our meet-ups to a new home at Electron Workshop in North Melbourne (map below). We're very grateful to VPAC for their support of the last few years. As usual, we'll follow on with dinner nearby (venue to be decided). Look forward to seeing you! Regards, Ben Event details ------------- Thursday 21 January, 6:30-8:30pm (doors open 6pm) 31 Arden St, North Melbourne, Victoria, 3051 Map: Travel tips by Electron Workshop: Running late or can't find us? Call Ben on 0458 925 588.
participants (1)
Ben Sturmfels