Hi Free Software Lovers, Tell us, what free software makes you smile? :D <-- You What favourite would you never be without? You won't guess mine! It's a electronic version of an object owned since you were five... More on that next Thursday, because this month we're looking to hear From you in our show-and-tell of the free software that you love. Feel free to show or just tell, no preparation required. Can't wait to hear what you come up with. In addition to our regular Gnews, we'll also be holding a brief committee election for the upcoming 12 months. Being an informal group, elections are quick and easy. Would you like to get involved and be a key part of making Free Software Melbourne awesome? We're looking for a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. After the meet-up we'll be following on to dinner on Errol Street. See you there! Ben, Ben, Ben & Scott (The 2015-2016 Committee) Event details ------------- Thursday 21 April, 6:30-8:30pm (doors open 6pm) 31 Arden St, North Melbourne, Victoria, 3051 Map: http://osm.org/go/uG4HWyqEz?m=&node=2556615434 Travel tips by Electron Workshop: http://www.electronworkshop.com.au/map/ Running late or can't find us? Call Ben on 0458 925 588.