Hey there Freedom Hackers Another virtual meetup on the Riot channel for the working group this month, seemed to work well last month just using text and maybe we could jump on mumble if we need to chat As it's coming up on hackathon season, this month at the Working group we're going to have a go at putting together a "hackathon licensing guidelines" page for the wiki and a kit of materials, pitches, suggestions and links I imagine the popular github licensing page would be a good start along with the FSM licensing guide, but more diversity and event specific advice could be given. Feel free to drop any suggestions in the new FSM Riot channel: # and we'll scan back over on the night We'll be hanging around the #freesoftwaremelb:matrix.zammit.org room from 6:00pm on Thursday the 6th of April and start breaking up into "license family groups" and preparing a list of resources and info Event details Thursday 6th April, 6:30-8:00pm Location: Online in Riot chatroom: #freesoftwaremelb:matrix.zammit.org Wiki: http://freesoftware.org.au/wiki/ Having trouble connecting? Call one of the Bens on 0419 390 496