It is that time of the month again! 6:30PM on Thursday 20th at The Electron Workshop (31 Arden Street, North Melbourne) it is time for the monthly Free software Melbourne meet up. The talker this month is Michael Verrenkamp with 'Paradoxes of Free software – Why logic breaks down in light of the human condition'. Considering I am writing this announcement and also the speaker I can play up my ego much more than usual... I'm an ok guy. Free software provides solutions to almost all issues that we have with personal computers and yet outside of being used as a technical back end for servers and phones, most people do not use it in day-to-day. I try to explain some of these issues from a philosophical point of view. From distro-hopping to software quality, sometimes logic doesn't work in the real world. Gnews will be held as usual to catch up on the last two months and to give a run down of all pros and cons for Software freedom day. There is a lot of great stuff to catch up on. Doors open from 6PM with drinks provided at EW members prices and dinner will a slight change, pizza! Look forward to seeing you all there.