Hi all,
The world is always changing and so is the Free Software world, it
can be difficult for folks to figure out what software is really
worth looking into. With that we are having a 'Favorite Free Software' event. From distro's to audio/video software and heavy
lifting work programs. For software for your top end PC down to
your older phones, there is always something great in Free
Software that can help you do more of what you want. We will show
you some of the great free software available and hope that you
will show us something great as well.
This is a no cost non-technical event and everyone is welcome.
Bring a friend it you want, the more the merrier. Bring a
computer or just bring yourself.
Event will be at Electron Workshop, 31 Arden Street - North
Melbourne. Doors open at 6pm with the event starts at 6:30pm.
Afterwards will be the usual Dinner in North Melbourne were we
can continue the discussion were ever it may go.
- Michael