Hi Folks, Just a reminder that tomorrow is Software Freedom Day! Come along by 10am for Adam's games demonstration and stay for the other great talks and free lunch. Electron Workshop 31 Arden Street, North Melbourne. Map: http://www.sfd.org.au/melbourne/ Don't forget to bring someone new if you can - that's what the day is all about. Regards, Ben On 09/09/14 21:43, Adam Bolte wrote:
Hi everyone,
There will not be a Thursday FSM meet-up for the month of September. Instead, you're going to be in for a much bigger treat!
This month, OpenTechSchool Melbourne[1], along with Free Software Melbourne[2], Linux Users of Victoria[3] and Electron Workshop[4] are joining forces to bring you the local Software Freedom Day event for Melbourne.
The event will take place on Saturday 20th September between 10am and 4pm, and this year we have a new venue:
Electron Workshop 31 Arden Street, North Melbourne. Map: http://www.sfd.org.au/melbourne/
We will be demonstrating GNU/Linux distributions, the Raspberry Pi, Arduino and more. You will also get to see free software games on the big screen - bring your laptops (and perhaps a mouse) if you want to help put some of them to a mutiplayer test! Newcomers will also be able to get help trying out and installing GNU/Linux on their machines, and can learn more about free software.
We will have several guest speakers throughout the day with talks on OpenStreetMap, open source gardening, electronics, Bitcoin and more! Lunch will also be provided.
The Valhalla Social Cinema will be screening a film in the space just after our celebration ends. Please consider joining them in the evening! Ticket and film info is available here: http://valhallacinema.com.au/
This event has been generously sponsored by Serversaurus[5] and Freetronics[6]. Image design work provided by Saltface Design.
More information about the event is available on the Software Freedom Day Melbourne website: http://www.sfd.org.au/melbourne/
The day should be both educational and a lot of fun. Please spread the word, and I'll see you there!
Cheers, Adam
Links: [1]: http://www.opentechschool.org/melbourne/ [2]: http://www.freesoftware.org.au/melb/ [3]: http://luv.asn.au/ [4]: http://www.electronworkshop.com.au/ [5]: https://serversaurus.com.au/ [6]: http://www.freetronics.com/
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