Hi Free Software Lovers, Hope you enjoyed Software Freedom Day as much as I did. We heard some exceptional talks and saw over 80 people in attendance at one point during the morning. A fantastic result, particularly thanks to the hard work of the Linux Users Victoria committee. Since too much free software is never enough, this Thursday is free software games night. Hope to see you there! Regards, Ben ----------------------------------- Melbourne Free Software Games Night ----------------------------------- Thursday 20 September, 6-9pm VPAC Head Office Training Room (see website) http://www.freesoftware.asn.au/melb/ We'll be playing a wide range of games including some casual and some multiplayer action games. No gaming experience is required. We're happy to help you get started. We'll order some pizza and eat in to allow more time for gaming. You don't need a laptop, but please bring one if you have one. There will be a number of desktop computers available. Internet access is available in case you need to download and install games. The list of games and versions will be sent around by Wednesday in case you'd like to get set up beforehand.