Thursday 4 September meeting agenda

Hi everyone, Details for next week's meetup: Time: Thursday 4 September, 6:00 pm Venue: The Edge, Window Bay 7 (pretty much straight ahead as you enter) Sean Chalmers will give a talk about how free software has helped him gain - and share - valuable skills and knowledge: From a Bash shell, to Drupal, then France, back to Drupal, and finally on to Haskell and the programming language research rabbit hole. This talk will be a look into the importance of access to the knowledge and research of others, and their willingness to share, and how this has helped me reach where I am today. I will also touch on the effect this has had on how I treat the knowledge that I have, and the knowledge that I gain. Other agenda items: - News. We will have a brief news segment - send me your news items to be discussed or just tell us about it on the night! - Choosing a name. We have received a few good suggestions so we will discuss and hopefully decide a name for our group. + Libris + LibrePlanet Brisbane + Software Libre Brisbane + ... others? Suggestions are still welcome! - Code of Conduct. We ought to have one and I will suggest we adopt the LibrePlanet Code of Conduct[1]. We will discuss this and hopefully come to an agreement. [1] After the meeting: Food. Hopefully this month we can make it to Beastie Burgers before they close, but otherwise it will be eats somewhere else in the South Bank precinct.
participants (1)
Fraser Tweedale