When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of Free-software-bris digest..."
I have a question about the timings of these emails. I received this email on 18th of Feb 2012 at 11 am AEST. This email is an invitation to attend a virtual event on 17th of Feb 2012 AEDT. This is for the previous day! This has not happened for the first time.
You've selected to join the list in 'digest' mode which collects messages over some length of time and then sends you a single e-mail with that day/week/month's messages in one go. It's considered bad form to reply to a digest message as it's hard for everyone to figure out which message you're responding to and it breaks threading, so normally digest mode is not used for lists you intend to participate in. If you don't want the long delay before receiving messages, I suggest unsubscribing and resubscribing in the normal mode, so messages arrive in your inbox as they are sent, without any extra delay being added. Cheers, Adam.